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Gypsy Moon Apothecary

~Those Who Do Not Believe In Magic Will Never Find It~

Imbolc Blessings from Gypsy Moon Apothecary!

Imbolc is a Pagan festival/time of year celebrating light and fertility. It is a sign that the cold, harsh days of winter are nearly over and that spring is just ahead of us.
After months of turning inward, of hibernation and rest, Nature is starting to wake up and preparing to push her way to the surface once again. The days are lighter, and the world is giving Mother Earth what she needs to thrive—more rain and sun.
Imbolc is a perfect time to reflect, meditate and consider what you want to manifest or what you want to accomplish in the coming months. As winter thaws, take a moment to mark Imbolc, this moment when spring starts to peek through, and go outside and enjoy the lengthening days and increased sunlight.
Imbolc blessings to you🌿

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