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Gypsy Moon Apothecary

~Those Who Do Not Believe In Magic Will Never Find It~

Aromatherapy, Meditation & Essential Oils for the Soul~

Aromatherapy, Meditation & Essential Oils for the Soul~

The multiple health and spiritual benefits of meditation have been known to mankind since centuries, and now there are scientific studies to prove it.

Ever wonder why meditation is so refreshing?

The reasons are simple and straightforward. Meditation

  • Slows down the pulse rate
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Regulates the physiological functions of the body
  • Brings brain activity to a “sleep-like” state


 Why you should meditate?

  • Meditation requires you to block out all your thoughts and internal chatter. These few moments of stillness lend clarity to your mind and facilitate inner calmness.
  • It helps connect your mind, body and soul.
  • The physical health benefits of meditation in controlling hypertension and stress are well documented.

 Procedure for effective meditation

You don’t have to spend hours on meditation – just 10 minutes each day is enough!

  1. Switch off your phones, computers, television and any other gadget that may distract you.
  2. Choose a quiet place where you can be by yourself for a while.
  3. Seat yourself in a comfortable position, but try to keep your back straight, as this facilitates the flow of energy through the centers along the spine.
  4. If you are not comfortable sitting, lie down on your back on a flat surface. Relaxation is the key to effective meditation.
  5. Before starting, flex your toes and then release them, then do the same with your calves, thighs, buttocks, tummy, arms, shoulders, neck, head, and face.

Using essential oils for meditation

Aromatics have been an integral part of spiritual and religious practices since time immemorial. Every religion, be it Eastern or Western, uses incense and aromas in its sacred rituals. The reasons for this go far beyond the pleasant smell. Botanical oils:

  • Help “prepare” the environment for meditation by demarcating the space for spiritual use.
  • Their psychological effects block out intrusive thoughts and day-to-day stresses so that the meditator can immerse fully in the exercise.
  • Slow down the pulse rate and breathing to induce relaxation and a deeper consciousness.
  • Improve mental clarity and concentration. Helps the meditator focus on the “NOW”.
  • The fragrance provides a focal point and keeps thoughts from straying away.

Which essential oils to use for meditation?

You can use oils individually or in blends depending on the benefits you are looking for. Here are some that I find particularly helpful:

Frankincense: Widely used for its spiritual qualities, Frankincense deepens the breathing, bringing about a calm and meditative state.

Lavender:  Calming and sedative, Lavender relaxes and balances the mind. It blends well with Rosemary

Rosemary: Stimulating and energizing, Rosemary promotes mental clarity. Use in a blend to balance its stimulant properties.

Vetiver: Calming and grounding. Great for restoring balance.

Cedarwood: Relaxing and calming without inducing drowsiness.

How to use essential oils for meditation?

While choosing an oil, be conscious of its special qualities and focus on the effect you hope to achieve by using it. This positive affirmation multiplies the benefits of aromatherapy manifold.

It is best to use essential oils in a burner but you can also place a few drops on a tissue and inhale from it.

Visit to order oils. As always you can follow me on Facebook at

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