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Gypsy Moon Apothecary

~Those Who Do Not Believe In Magic Will Never Find It~

Blog posts November 2015

Palm Work Chart~


Blessed Be!!!~

Animal Chakras~


Blessed Be!!!~

Third Eye Kiss~

Blessed Be!!!~

Making Homemade Cough Syrup~


  • A small mixing bowl
  • A container to hold the final product in
  • A mixing spoon
  • Honey (or better yet, Manuka honey) - a study at Penn State College of Medicine concluded that honey can work better to cure a cough than over-the-counter drugs as it helps sooth and coat irritated membrane…

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Homemade Horehound Lozenges~

Making Horehound Lozenges~

 1 1/3 cups dried horehound...4 cups of brown sugar...2 cups of honey...1 teaspoon cream of tartar.....stir over a low heat until dissolved...heat to a temperature of 220%F...add one teaspoon of butter...but do not stir....and heat to 312%F.....remove from the heat,…

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5 blog posts