Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for August 16, 2022:
Harmony. The Sun and Moon are in fiery agreement today. So, whatever you set your sights on to be accomplished should be successful. Also, you could feel like being in sync with loved ones or your tribe. As you go about your day, send out pink bubbles of love. See if you can spot the reactions from others. Enjoy the sunny vibes, as this is the last week of the Sun's stay in Leo. Let that be your hat tip to Summer. Work can go well if you're inclined to go with the flow. Otherwise, you may end up counting the minutes til you're off.
The outgoing nature of an Aries Moon will push for connections and results. Step back, today, and let others take the lead. You don't always have to come up with the answer. Mercury in Virgo sees teamwork as a necessary step to getting the job done right. A couple of heads are better than one, especially since quirky Uranus in Taurus is involved in decision making today. Keep your ego in check by using or wearing Amber. Use Cinnamon to keep things lively without the drama. At 7:22 pm (PDT/USA + 8 hrs UK) the Moon will slip into more grounded Taurus. Some late night meditation or dream work could be in order. That bright light you've been seeing next to the Moon is Jupiter. It's time to send out intentions and be grateful!