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Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 10, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 10, 2023:
Better vibes. New knowledge. Overall, tasks and communications are easier. The Moon stays in Libra and trines the Sun in Aquarius. Mental pursuits could attract your attention as knowing more about the higher vibrations and the intangible …
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 9, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 9, 2023:
Aquarius and Libra. What could go wrong? Actually, it's a good day to sit back and have an intellectual discussion about lighter or funnier things. The Cosmos is issuing a free card today. There's not a lot of sky action, except for Jupiter…
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 8, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 8, 2023:
Glitches. Moon in Virgo likes to have everything laid out in a precise fashion. Try to save important communications for later in the day as the morning brings in glitches and different wave lengths. It will pass, but the discordant energie…
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 7, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 7, 2023:
Fixing it all. The Moon's in Virgo today and that means that keeping to routines and being tidy are weirdly comforting. Under usual circumstances we can see the wisdom in sticking to the tried and true. But, Uranus, by virtue of the Sun in …
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Oracle Card Draw for the week of February 6, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Oracle Draw for the week of February 6, 2023:
The Hawk:
Spirit is sending you messages. Open your greater vision to see the signs. Focus on your priorities and eliminate distractions. You have a bright future. Let yourself ascend to new heights. Courage, Swiftness, Clea…
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Tarot Draw for the Week of February 6, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Tarot Draw for the Week of February 6, 2023:
*Page of Pentacles, *Page of Wands, & *Ace of Cups
***Page of Pentacles: You should receive some good news that will bring welcome changes into your life; this may have a financial or academic connection.
***Page of Wands:…
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 6, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe February 6, 2023:
Mixed energies. Yesterday's Full Moon in Leo is still exerting influence over our thoughts and moods. Inner work is also supported by the Moon's Void of Course phase that begins at 6:15 am (PST/ USA + 8 hrs UK). Just what did the Moon bring to …
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 5, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 5, 2023:
The real you rising. Full Moon in Leo occurs at 10:29 am (PST/USA + 8 hrs UK). The best of sparkling Leo is up front and center today. You may find the status quo losing its hold on your heart. Unusual or out of the blue events can shine a …
Gypsy Moon Apothecar y's Astro-Vibe for February 4, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe notes for February 4, 2023:
Rules? What rules?! Individuality fairly walks through the door and yells, "Quit playin' small!" The Moon enters Leo at 12:48 am (PST/USA + 8 hrs UK). The Sun Aquarius/Moon Leo energy is at a standoff - in preparation for tomorrow's F…
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 3, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 3, 2023:
Repeat. The day's vibes are similar to yesterday's rather reflective energy. The Moon remains in Cancer. Cozy, quiet, and secure appeals to our hearts now. You may feel more inclined to help in a compassionate manner as long as you also get…
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 2, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for February 2, 2013:
Inner harmony. Groundhog Day and Imbolc both celebrate the midpoint in Winter and the stirring of possibilities that come with Spring. The Moon stays in Cancer where the inner world is more prominent over the social banter of the last few d…
Imbolc Blessings from Gypsy Moon Apothecary!
Imbolc is a Pagan festival/time of year celebrating light and fertility. It is a sign that the cold, harsh days of winter are nearly over and that spring is just ahead of us.
After months of turning inward, of hibernation and rest, Nature is starting to wake up and preparing to push her way to th…
Archangel Oracle "Moon Cycles" Archangel Haniel
Todays Archangel Oracle Card: Moon Cycles- "Archangel Haniel"

Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Tarot Draw for January 31, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Tarot Draw for January 31, 2023
Queen of Swords, Queen of Cups & Four of Pentacles
Queen of Swords: Traditionally the Queen of Swords represented a woman on her own, who had known suffering and loss: widowed, divorced or long single and sometimes childless. However, this is…
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for January 31, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for January 31, 2023:
Maybe Clear Quartz isn't such a bad idea. We end the first month of 2023 with the Moon in flighty Gemini. Ideas and sudden flashes of creativity can make work or other tasks exciting - just because you'll feel more mentally engaged in the p…
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Weekly Tarot Draw:
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Weekly Tarot:
The Magician, Three of Cups & Ten of Cups-
The Magician: the Magicians message is to inform you that you have all the skills and ability required to handle the task well and bring it to a successful conclusion. You must apply yourself with concentration and …
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for January 30, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for January 30, 2023:
Talk, talk, talk. The Moon enters Gemini at 12:35 am (PST/USA + 8 hrs UK) and begins to flirt with ideas, solutions, and all types of communication. Add the Sun in Aquarius' natural curiosity and you have a recipe for conversations that can…
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for January 29, 2023
Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for January 29, 2023:
Balance. The adventuresome side of the Sun in Aquarius gets restless with the slow, comfy oriented mood of the Taurean Moon. Of course, the key is to find a happy medium which requires patience. If traveling isn't in the plans use your time…
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