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Gypsy Moon Apothecary

~Those Who Do Not Believe In Magic Will Never Find It~

Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for Wednesday October 6, 2021

Gypsy Moon Apothecary's Astro-Vibe for October 6, 3021:
The Moon and Sun join forces in Libra to create New Moon energies and a new beginning. This New Moon is special as it also aligns with Mars and Mercury, also in Libra. Everything moves in a more delicate balance today as the waves of Libran energy get us to slow down and balance our time between work and relaxation. Today marks a time to build through mindful action and deliberation. Plan on moving in a flow state that enhances your well thought out plans from now until the end of the year. We'll have said goodbye to most of the retrograde energies by then.
Communication is at the forefront today with six planets in Air ruled signs. It may be best to send mental messages to past loved ones, rather than stirring up old flames. Stay focused on those physically in your circle and let them know you care. The trick to moving gracefully with Libra's Venusian ways is to love yourself as much as you love others. That could mean speaking honestly and setting boundaries. Charm rules the day! Let your heart be light - both in feeling and frequency. Black Moonstone is always a good choice to work with under a New Moon. Since we now understand the workings of the multiverse better, try Astrophyllite - a stone that draws in highly spiritual vibes and helps in choosing the best moves on your journey. Patchouli will enhance self love and Rose will send love out to your heart's desires. The New Moon occurs at 4:05 am (PDT/USA + 8 hrs UK). Pluto will go direct at 11:29 am.
As always if you'd like a personal Tarot Reading you can contact me via my website at or visit my Ecwid Store to make your purchase!

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